My name is Theophilus Egbugwu, I’m a native of Oziri Iyishi in ikeduru Local Government Area in Nigeria.
On the first of May 2015, I fell from a ladder while working and sustained a spinal cord injury. In desperation to get treatment and walk again I sold everything I had moving from one hospital to another, from one herbal home to another but all to no avail. After my various hospital admission, I came back to my house, my wife was the one taking care of me and we have no child at the moment. My wife tried her best but got sick till date. My major problem was hunger, lack of basic needs such as my meds, supplies and not having a wheelchair to at least wheel out or around. It became a problem because my wife and I couldn’t afford our basic necessities, most times am depressed, wondering how possible it’s on how I could walk again and work to support my wife and I.
Three years later my wheelchair became a wreck, I couldn’t really be happy again as I had to lay on the bed all through and can only craw around as per when my wife isn’t around to assist myself.
With in these three years my wheelchair was ruined, I visited so many radio station to share my plight perhaps someone out there could assist, I also was visited by lots of organization who came to me with the view that they will provide with me the assistance I’m in dire need of but yet all to no avail.
My pain grew and I became more confused, not knowing what I’ve done to life to treat me this bad. Then I found Emmanuel and the Dubel Disability Foundation.
In appreciation, I thank Dubel Disability Foundation for coming to my aid. For having provided me with my basic needs, it’s still a thing of surprise to me. Dubel Disability Foundation also provided me with a good mattress, wheelchair, cushion, fan for comfort and others. I can only say God bless you and God bless Mr. Justin Pines for giving me hope.
Thank you very much!