The Processing Cassava Business
Due to the short shelf life of harvested cassava tubers (2 -3 days), inadequate road and power infrastructure, most cassava produced in Nigeria is consumed locally. Of all the forms of cassava that can generate income, Garri is the cheapest and easiest way for entrepreneurs to enter the processed cassava market. Garri is the number one staple food in Nigeria. About 75% of Nigerians consume Garri every day. At the village, everyone eats Garri on a daily basis. This is to say that there is a sizable market for selling cassava processing services.
To further explain, the engine owner is to expect individuals who will bring peeled cassava for him to grind. Grating must be done three times because of the tough nature of peels, with each grating, the particle size reduces gradually. The reduced particle size facilitates rapid dewatering, drying and easier handling.
Pressing the grated peel requires a hydraulic jack, wooden planks, woven bags and a metal frame which holds the loaded bags of freshly grated peels. The grated peels are packed in sizable shapes, using planks and jacks, the grated peels are squeezed to rapidly get rid of as much water as possible. When the water is gone, the owners will come and take their bags of processed cassava. This takes one and half days to happen.
Cassava Grinding Machine for Francis
Because Francis is in a wheelchair, he doesn’t have a good height, the processing engine will be installed on the base, then the base will be installed in a way that Francis will access it but not too low because he might not be the only one to work with it.
When people come with their cassava, they stay put until their cassava is grinded. The process of grinding it is done with them and with Francis. Francis will run the engine while they help to grind it.
The pressure stand that will be built with a railway iron, will be mounted. Most times after grinding the cassava, the owners will lift it on the pressure stand then it’s the duty of Francis to work on the pressure with the hydraulic jack. There might be a possibility of him paying anyone that will assist him but is no big deal. This is a simple process. Francis is very active and can make it happen.
The pressure stand is made out of railway iron and be connected to a hydraulic jack. it will be installed on a cement and wood floor. There will be an open pit and two stainless bowls will be required. The machine will be housed on land owned by Francis.
The planned Cassava processing business should enable Francis to make enough money to sustain himself. We need your help to make this business a reality for Francis.