Repairing the Home of Francis – Sponsored by Julie R.

Yesterday, the Dubel Disability Foundation visited Mr. Francis who fell from a palm tree and injured his spinal cord many years ago. Mr. Francis, who the foundation has done so much to help already, was in dire need. His dwelling room was broken at the roof. His ceiling was falling apart. Whenever it rained, the water fell on him. Mr. Francis and his young son couldn’t sleep at night if it rained.

For a long period of time now, Mr. Francis had neither trousers, sandals, nor a clean shirt. Recently, his rain barrel was stolen, and he had only a small pail to hold water in. Dubel Disability Foundation came to visit him and to help.

We fixed his roof and ceiling. We painted his room. We made an accessible ramp for him to enter his home. We provided him with clothes and sandals. And very importantly, we replaced his rain barrel which was stolen.

Dubel Disability Foundation thanks Ms. Julie R. for donating the funds to make all this possible.

I ask that you please join us to help more people with SCI. They lack basically everything to survive with. A little help will go a long way to improving their lives.

Before the Repairs

After the Repairs