Francis’ task is made much harder due to lack of having an functional wheelchair setup. In this case, his wheelchair doesn’t support his legs which are more or less hanging. The condition of Francis’ wheelchair barely supports his body and creates poor sitting posture and health issues. In addition, Francis’ rear wheels are stuck in position much too far backwards which greatly degrades his pushing ability. It is only due to Francis’ great physical strength that he is able to succeed in this difficult task. We are trying to get Francis a decent wheelchair designed to function in his environment.
Rope or bungee cords to make a bundle and tie the wood to his wheelchair would also make his task easier. These tools are easily obtainable here in the United States. However, for Francis, these basic tools are both expensive and hard to obtain since he has nobody to help him out.
When society makes the determination that supporting you is not worth it, your life becomes immeasurably harder.