My name is Christopher Odimegwu Eze, I’m from Umugwu ifakala mbaitoli L G A Imo State. I survived a terrible accident when I was a teenager at the waist which resulted to loss of my legs. I’m married with children. For a long time now life have been very hard for me as I struggle to fend for my family while being on the bed or sometimes on the wheelchair. My life has been a terrible one as per most people I know barely come close to me. I’m very much active, I can easily wheel my chair to places.
I plead for support to enable me get a mattress because I and my family do not have one, we are almost laying on the floor. We are also in need of a little fund to get some sheet of zinc to roof some places that are licking when ever it rains and the rain hits on my family and I. We are really in dire need of the support of Dubel Disability Foundation who recently provided me with a wheelchair, now I’m active again and can move to places.